Sunday, February 27, 2011

sajak main-main volume 2

aku cari la topik nak buat sajak ni..
cari punye cari tetibe tringat ros yang ak gune aritu..
sumpah pelik..dalam 1hall just 2owang yg ada ros kat poket
so ak pown nak buatlah sajak based on the rose..
xde kne mengene antare hidup atau mati ok..
this poen is just for fun..'

it all starts here ..
I give it to you .. a sprig of roses
I consider this a sprig of roses like myself ..
like my soul ..
like my life ..
I never give it to the other but only for you ..
if the roses withered ..
  i will withered too ..
If the rose petals fall ..
  my breath fall from my body..
if the rose is death ..
so ... I went from this world to face Allah ..
my dear ..
take care of your roses that i gave you in a full heart ..
only that which I can gave you ..
goodbye my dear ...
lets this love my heart.. 

sumpah aku xd keje pagi2 ni..
xd kne mengene dgn idop ak btol

It About That Night..

annual dinner asasi undang2..
bole tahan best haha
yang sedihnye ak xdpt dean list
xpe2 dis sem ak cube lg =)
sius malam tu mmg gempak habis
suma umat asasi undang2 jd model
peraga habis fesyen depa..
ak cm biase la dengan fesyen poyo ak..
xde style laen ak ley buat haha
tu je yang sesuai dgn ak..
hantam sajalah..
xstyle pown xpe,ak dtg nk mkn

ahli P1408

 1 bilik 1 kelas


bersama geng retro

taringku sudah muncul!

orang lain pown trime anugerah dave oiii

fairy god brothers? (majalah gempak)

sir iz!

balek sudah..
penat deh..

smoge ad lg diner mcm ni huhu..
you are the only exception..
2sem yang sangat meriah..

Friday, February 25, 2011

Thank You For Loving Me

It's hard for me to say the things
I want to say sometimes
There's no one here but you and me
And that broken old street light
Lock the doors
We'll leave the world outside
All I've got to give to you
Are these five words when I

I never knew I had a dream
Until that dream was you
When I look into your eyes
The sky's a different blue
Cross my heart
I wear no disguise
If I tried, you'd make believe
That you believed my lies

You pick me up when I fall down
You ring the bell before they count me out
If I was drowning you would part the sea
And risk your own life to rescue me

Lock the doors
We'll leave the world outside
All I've got to give to you
Are these five words when I
Thank you for loving me
For being my eyes
When I couldn't see
You parted my lips
When I couldn't breathe
Thank you for loving me

When I couldn't fly
Oh, you gave me wings
You parted my lips
When I couldn't breathe
Thank you for loving me

Thursday, February 24, 2011

hariku hari ini

hariku bermula dengan...
tak de clas!!!
jeyeah!! hahaha..
bangun pown tak tau nak buat ap..
yang pasti perlu study..
final exam terlalulah dekat..
hopefully hari ni aman dan sentose sajelah
malas aku lau ari xsentose..
penuh dgn masalah..
dan gosip2 yg membawa kepada dosa..

ya Allah..jadikanlah hariku lebih baik dari hari semalam..

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

sajak main-main

my dear ..
I love you even though you did not see it
I love you even though you did not notice it
I love you even though you do not love me yet

Let this love stay in my heart
I will never forget you even though we are far apart
only you my dear ..
only you know my heart and soul even though you did not realize this love

time may not allow us my dear..
I do not know how long we can meet again
but for sure ..
I always love you baby
take care of yourself ..
when the time comes ..
You will understand this feeling ..
I love you baby ..

one step ahead..

its time to change fiqrun..
no more hang out,
no more playing games,
no more oversleep,
no more miss classes,

it time for study fiqrun,
dont ever waste your time AGAIN!
final is just in the corner,
think why u are here,

it for your future..

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mungkinkah terjadi

Seringkali hati bertanya
Tiap saat kita bersama
Sampai bilakah harusku memendam rasa

Tak pernah aku merasai
Bibir terkunci
Jiwa bergelora rasa tak percaya
Adakah ku bermimpi
Mimpi di siang hari

Dirimu... telah lama ku nantikan
Wajah yang bermain
Di mimpi-mimpiku
Hidupku.. kini bagaikan penjara
Tanpamu di sisi tak bermakna oh..oh..

Mungkinkah akan terjadi
Dirimu aku miliki
Berilah tanda kepastianmu
Namun jika tak tercapai
Selama hayat dirimu tetapku sanjungi
~ hope she can read this ~

Sunday, February 20, 2011


semalam jam 8.30 malam di intec seksyen17..
telah dipentaskan drama catherine of aragon..
actually it tesalian drama but ak sebok dok dtg sane haha >,<
memang GEMPAK!
tu je yang ak dapat cakap tok diorang ni..
macam drama kat istana negara diorang buat..
kalah rosyam nor hahaha
ni la catherine tu..bertuah ak dpt bergambar haha n dia la yang undang cek suh datang intec,
yeah! ni la pembuka tirai cerita,gadis yang bersuara merdu..cayalah fad!
the prime minister, fariz or freeze? haha muke dah familiar cam uncle..kembar ke >,<
ini la yg join ak smlm bersama piji yg amek gambar ni hahaha..jgn mara piji ye
muke nk ganas..xpuas ati ke? hahaha!
nak jugak dye bergambar dengan artis ni..hahaha

owh n to awal..sory ak xamek gambar dengan ko,xsempat la bro =.=
ko bz sgt semalam hahahaa
anyway....korang memang gempak!

kahwin? married?

teringat ak minggu lepas mase kt rmh pak usu..
aku: mak,knp ayah xikot?
mak: ayah tunggu lori nk tambak laman rumah..
aku: owh...
cik mar: ha, ko tau x ap mksd mk ko tu yun?
aku: ha? ad mksd ke? xtau pown =.=
cik mar: tu tande mk ko nak wat knduri kawen la tu
mak: balai dah sedie da,tersergam besar lg
aku: owh...(dgn muke xfhm)
semue orang gelak meninggalkn ak yg xfhm ap2 ni..
lastly..bru ak fhm yg dowg sindir ak..
cik mar: tu tndenye mk ko suh ko cri jodoh cpt
aku: what?? >,< okey..xd calon...
perbualan berakhir disitu dgn ak digelakkan beramai-ramai..
sabar je lah~
kawen ni xkn la nk awal2 sgt..ak nk life ak n mse dpn ak dlu
baru syok kawen

Friday, February 18, 2011

suka duka hidup...

hidup ni ibarat roda..
ad masa kita bangun..
ada masa kita jatuh...
tp tnpa kita sedar..itulah yg membuatkn kita berdiri teguh..
ada masa kita ditimpa masalah..ditinggalkan kawan..ditinggalkan kekasih..
tapi Dia takkan tinggalkan hambanya..
ada masa kita hilang harapan..hilang semangat..hilang momentum..
tapi jangan sampai hilang maruah diri..
setiap masalah pasti ada jalannya..
cuma ingat!
jalannya pasti jauh dan berliku..
bukan jalan yang mudah untuk dicapai..
jalan yang sempit dan jarang dilalui itu adalah jalan yang lurus..
sekali lagi..ingat!
sentiasa ingat Dia dan jagan putus harapan pada-Nya
hanya Dia yg memahami kita..

Thursday, February 17, 2011

i am revived..

lastly ak lembali menaip di blog ini..hampir 1bulan, terase mls nk menaip and now i am back haha..
banyak nk cerite ke ni?
ak pown xtau la....
hidup kdg2 menarik, kdg2 biase..
kite yg jd perencah dlm idop kite sendiri..
yg pntg jgn lupekn Dia..